Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Side Track: Juzam 2.0

I keep thinking about this, stupid brain...

Juzám Djinn was good, right?

Well, Phyrexian Vatmother is kindof like Juzam, with a few differences:
1) It has 8 power instead of 5.
2) It doesn't deal damage to you.
3) It is $5 instead of $150
4) It is legal in standard.

Juggernaut is a 10/5 for 6 now, but that's probably too slow when you have a 8/4 flying regenerator (with maybe haste)for 5.
There is also a new ultra-grey-ogre that is immune to all sorts of removal (StP-2.0, 3.0, Bolt 1.0-n.0, Terror-2.0, etc), blocks and attacks very well, (have to have a  4+/3+, non-red, non-white, creature to trade with it...), and is hard to block to begin with.  (~35% unblockable)

Mishras Factory 2.0 is a 2/1 flyer instead of a 2/2 ground-y now.  It's not as good of a blocker, but it is a similar attacker.

Black still has good discard and creature removal to draw off.  Pumping these guys up with new fangled equipment is the trend now, and these have ~double effectiveness with this strategy.  (2-mana
+4/+2, or +8/+4 (fetchland), OR 5-mana +4/+2 with double-protection + 2 abilities)

The new Paralyze-variant works on all their creatures (but only for one of yours), twice, and does 4
damage over those two turns.  It requires going into a new color, but there are a few lands
to support that..

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