Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goldfish results for mono-Red

1) Koth was very good.  Ultimating the turn after you play him pretty much has to be good, right?2) Chandra was okay.  I often drew 4 cards, and by the time I was getting to 4+ mana, I seemed to always draw two lands.  This was fairly annoying, but likely unavoidable.  How good the +1 is will indicate how good chandra is in general, despite the synergies with the deck.
3) 1-drop into Stormblood felt very, very good.
4) Grim Lavamancer doesn't seem like it will be activated all that much, but these two slots definately need to be one-drop creatures, for charging up Stormblood.  Arsonist or Fireslinger (Goblins) may work well.
5) RSZ was very good.  Being able to be doubled via either Koth or Chandra was not to be underestimated (and 4x with both is lethal).  20-ing someone out is not beyond the realm of possiblity (6 land + koth + chandra is 22 damage, 5 land is 18).  It would be quite plausible to go to 2-3 of these, and 0 Inferno Titans.
6) There were a few hands where I'd have only one land, and those are basically not keepable.  With so few 1 drops, and only 24 land, it is fairly unreasonable to draw out of it too strongly.  The deck really wants to hit land drops and voltron up a monster threat of some type.
7) There were a few more hands where I had 2 4cc planeswalkers and 4+ lands, and these were far more speculative.  RSZ was really the savior for these hands.

Hands where I went 1-2-3-4 drop on turn 1-4 felt very good.  I definately want to get to 4, which means I need a strong plan if I get to 7 instead (aka some finisher that kills the opponent)

Next stop, play some games against my proxied Solar Flare (Esper flashback) deck.

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