Saturday, February 11, 2012

Testing Mono Red - Results

Maindeck changes:
2 mutagenic growth, 2 devil's play, 2 arc trail, 2 geistflame, 2 phyrexian metamorph, 1 reckless waif
Sideboard changes: 1 devil's play, 3 manic vandal, 1 phyrexian metamorph, 2 ratchet bomb, 2 reckless waf, 1 red sun's zenith, 2 vulshok refugee, 2 arc trail

Archtype: MatchWin-MatchLoss, GameWin-GameLoss
Subarchetype, game1win-game1loss, game2win-game2loss, ...

Overall: 27-17, 63-45
+ some game that I didn't figure out (45 rounds, only 44 games)

Ramp: 3-1, 7-4
Jund: 2-1, 2-1
GBW: 2-0
GR: 1-2

Ramp in general seemed like it turned out okay.  Losing my only game against the "pure" GR ramp was not awesome.  Being able to prey on artifact acceleration randomly was good.  Did not need Arc Trail for these matchups, Geistflame + Devil's Play was fine.  Metamorph excelled.

U(W) Aggro: 3-10, 12-21
General: 2-1
Delver: 0-1, 1-2, 1-2
Bant: 1-2
Puresteel: 1-2
Humans: 0-2, 1-2, 2-1, 0-2, 0-2
GW Tokens: 2-0, 1-2
Clearly my worst archtype matchup.  I think I sideboarded poorly against UW.  Berserker is terrible in that matchup, and I did take out Shrines, which were probably my best way to actually win.  (Kill all their creatures and wait for them to die).  Little fliers do a good job at killing Koth, which sucks.  Sideboard cards here that could help would be the red sweepers, Slagstorm, etc.  Metamorph, and the blue cards in general, made me feel a bit of the pain here.
Ratchet bomb, and some sort of life gain, would be awesome here, to deal with:
Hero of Bladehold
1/1 Flyers

Control: 7-2, 15-6
Mono Blue: 1-2
UB: 2-0, 2-1, 2-0, 1-2
Esper: 2-0, 1-0, 2-1
RWU Vengance: 2-0
Yeah.  I lost to the mono blue guy with Darksteel Sentinal (can't beat that card), but control just can't beat Koth, even the more aggressive control variations like Esper/Solar Flare.  The little guys are critical, to get them on the back foot, and the Shrine + Koth + Metamorph combo finishes them off.

"Combo": 2-1, 4-3
Grixis Graveyard: 2-0
UB Architect/summon: 0-2, 2-1
I lose to the nut draws from UB, but metamorph isn't bad there, etc.

Random Aggro: 10-3, 21-11
Random: 2-0, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-1, 2-0, 2-0, 1-0, 2-0, 2-1
Mono Red: 1-2, 0-2
MBPoison: 1-2
Whoda thunkit, Phyrexian Crusader sucks for mono red.  And mono red that doesn't hurt itself beats mono red that does hurt itself.  One thing my deck does is really destroy random decks.  If you're slow off the draw, or just messing around, you lose pretty hard to this deck, which I like.  (It forces the opponent to be as fast as me, or die, and I might not even keep a fast draw)

Midrange: 2-0, 4-0
Jund: 2-0
Black: 2-0
I can beat midrange, because my late game (Koth Ultimate) is better, and my early game (Waif + Berserker) is better.  Metamorph is also great in these matchups.

Match by match breakdown:

Match 1:Jund ramp 2-1
Game 1: Copying primeval was good.  Leading with berserkers would have been better.
Game 2: played terribly.  Not used to the new cards, interactions?  Not taking it seriously?
Game 3: Noble into vandal into Metamorph(vandal) into berserker was good, with relevant targets for the vandals.

Match 2: UW delver L 0-1
Game 1: Tempoed out with aether adept.  Made plenty of mistakes in this game that caused the loss.  Lose and learn!

Match 3: Jund Ramp 2-1
Lost game 2.  He had a ton of removal, but not alot of threats/ramp.

Match 4: Mono Red 1-2
Won game two.  Made some bad plays in G3.  I pay alot of life, so some game-changer like Sword or Batterskull would really swing things back my way.  I also only have two pro-red guys for the mirror.

Match 5: Green-x Werewolves 2-0
Metamorphing a flipped Mayor of Avabruk is bonkers. (You get a wolf immediately, and can cast at will, and you can kill the original Mayor fairly easily with Volt Charge, etc.  I should have taken a screenshot in this game, it got out of hand very quickly.

Match 6: MB Poison 1-2
Won game one.  He drew multiple Crusaders into me not having any Shrines.  Lame.

Match 7: Some terrible deck, 2-1

Match 8: UB Control 1-2
Game 1: Copied a wurmcoil with Koth in play, but he gained enough life and dropped enough high-toughness threats that I couldn't kill him before he decked me with Blue Suns Zenith.  I feel like I made several mistakes in this game, I should have just Kothed the dome, but I only had 4 land vs 36 life, and tried to draw more with my spells, etc.
Game 2: Steamrolled him
Game 3: Lost to Wurmcoil

Match 9: Bant random stuff 1-2
Game 1: Attacked with a noble, instead of blocking a Geist.  Not a great play when you're at 12 life.
Game 2: Won
Game 3: Mental Mistep and Gut Shot drawn against my 1 drops.  Was not swording....

Match 10: UW Puresteel 1-2
Game 1: Lost.  Mulled to 3 land + 3 spell, drew 4 land vs a double paladin draw.
Game 2: Won
Game 3: Lost.  Copied a sword of war and peace, I feel like I could have won this game.

Match 11: Mono blue control
Game 1: Lost to darksteel sentinal (yeah, look that one up)
Game 2: Won, steamrolled.
Game 3: Lost to sentinal again.  Can't be RSZ'ed.  My copy was bounced and countered.  Gah.

Match 12: GBW Ramp 2-0
He never really got started in either game, vs my good draws.

Match 13: UW Delver 1-2
Game 1: Gut shot, lord of the unreal, and phantasmal image were not enough.
Game 2: Lost, timely + snag + tempo.
Game 3: Lost, same reason.

Match 14: UB Control 2-0
Game 1: Wring flesh, not a great player.
Game 2: Noble to berserker to gambit to koth, vs dissipation field.  Dissipation field!

Match 15: UB Control 2-1
Game 1: Lost.  He had alot of life gain, BSZ.  Got milled to death a turn before I could kill him.
Game 2: Won, Steamrolled.
Game 3: Shrine, Metamorph a shrine, metamorph a batterskull.  Eventually killed with double shrine.

Match 16: Rg aggro artifacts?  2-1
Game 1: Signal pest, Spikeshot elder, furor of the bitten (??!).  Won with a removal spell.
Game 2: Lost to a swarm of goblins
Game 3: Won.  His deck just had alot of random stuff in it.

Match 17: Mono red 0-2
Game 1: Arc Trail was not great.  You can't let a creature hit you t2 for fear of berserker.
Game 2: He drew more pro red, I could still topdeck a burn spell for the win (him at 1), but did not.

Match 18: WU sword 2-1
Game 1: Lost.  Bad keep, Noble, Shrine, 5x land.  (It's good against everything!).  Learned how dangerous Geist is.
Game 2: He did nothing, I failed with Koth but won anyway.
Game 3: He brought in Negates.  I have creatures.

Match 19: Grixis Delver, Ruinator, Masticore.  2-0

Match 20: Jund Kessig + Mortarpod + green midrange.  2-0

Match 21: Esper control.  2-0
Game 1: Reckless Waif beatdown.
Game 2: He played a Wurmcoil, then I played two Wurmcoils.  I had 16 land in play when I won.

Match 22, 23: GW Tokens 2-0, 1-2
Game 1: Win, AT vs 2 mana guys on their mull to 5.
Game 2: Win, He draws all land.
Game 3: Loss, Ton of mistakes.
Game 4: Won
Game 5: Loss

Match 24, 25: UW Humans 0-2, 1-2
Game 1: Lost, He had a ton of one-drops.  Champion got out of range fast.
Game 2: Lost, Honor + R/W sword.  Swords are stupidly good.
Game 3: Lost, Fiend Hunter, O Ring vs my "big guys"
Game 4: Noble, Noble, Berserker off a one-land mulligan.
Game 5: Lost.  Hero's hard, exile effects are hard.

Match 26: Solar Flare 1-0
He abandoned after G1

Match 27: UB Architect/Summon 0-2
Game 1: Lost.  My notes say "UG"
Game 2: Lost.  Grand Arbiter into Trinket Mage into Wurmcoil into Spellskite and Tezzeret.

Match 28: Some kind of mayor deck 2-1
Game 1: Won
Game 2: Lost, Mulled to 5, never drew a 2nd land.  Probably should have mulled to 4.
Game 3: Mulled to 6 and won.  Copying flipped mayors is good.  Not a very good player.

Match 29: GBU Poison (a pretty good draft deck). 2-1
Game 1: Lost to untamed might.
Game 2-3: I drew removal for his 16 2-mana 1/1s

Match 30: UW Delver
Game 1: We both mulled, I won.
Game 2-3: He won.
I need to learn from these delver experiences.

Match 31: UW Humans 2-1
G3: He discar4ded T3, I won.

Match 32: Mono black non-poison 2-0
Game 1: He mulled twice, didn't really know what he was.
Game 2: He cast an obliterator T4, I killed it with damage, and won two turns later.  (Kept a Chandra and a Shrine with n counters, with no land)

Match 33: UW Humans 0-2
Match 1?: Mulled, stuck on no action + all blue.
Game 2: Hero + Honor beats me copying their hero.  Copying their hero isn't all that great, because you can't attack anyway.   I need some better SB cards against honor.  Slagstorm?

Match 34, 35, 36: Puresteel + terrible terrible cards, 2-0, 2-0, 1-0
Game 5: Won a mull to 4

Match 37: UB Control 2-0
Game 1: No answer to early aggro
Game 2: No answer to Shrine

Match 38: GR Ramp, 1-2
Game 1: Lost, Dungrove + Sword.
Game 2: Won, Not a great player
Game 3: Lost, bad keep.  Dungrove + 1drop + Titan

Match 39: UW Humans: 0-2

Match 40: Some draft deck 2-0

Match 41: RB Aggro/Control Burn (Bump) 1-2
Game 1: Mulled and lost
Game 2: Won
Game 3: He went on the draw, and he lost.

Match 42: UB Control 2-0
Game 1: He drops Liliana, I drop Koth, guess who won
Game 2: Shrine -> SHrine -> Koth -> Koth into 3x counters.

Match 43: Solar Flare 2-1
Not an amazing player.  Brought in negate for G3, which I won.

Match 44: URW Burning Vengance with Wrath 2-0
Wrath continues to be non-amazing vs my deck.

Match 45: Heartless summoning
G1: He played Multiple Wurmcoils T4, and more stuff T5.
G2: Waif -> Bomb -> Concede
G3: Win.

Concluding thoughts:
Kristina suggested I write the results as I do them, and that I get started actually playing some tourneys, which I was a bit scared of, but agreed to.  So maybe we'll see some "real" results soon!

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