Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Getting excited about Theros. (Ember Swallower)

So, it's been a while (only 6 months!), but with new sets going out, it certainly gets the creative juices flowing.

The first mechanic from Theros I'm interested in is Monstrous.  Or more particularly, one specific monstrous card
This card makes me really excited.  The base rate on this creature is pretty good, with power equal to it's casting cost, and a toughness that survives any sort of damage-based removal.  This particular implementation of the Monstrous mechanic that on it's face is symmetrical, but in actually, it is anything but.  You get to build your deck with it in mind, with mana acceleration from Xenagos, or mana creatures (which also work well together to get the 4-drops out faster, and power you up to 7 mana)

Turn 3 Xenagos, Turn 4 Ember Swallower, Turn 5 Activate Ember Swallower is something we can do with only 3 land, Xenagos, any mana creature, and Ember Swallower.  We can even sustain the loss of one of the satyrs with just drawing a 4th land.

Wrath against that board position (turn 4, or never after they lose 3 lands) is not even that devastating, because you still have Xenagos, who'll be ready to punch them in the face the next turn, or accelerate out other monstrous threats.

I'll have to think about this a bit more before I put out a full decklist, because there is a certain amount of conflict between the cards.  You want a lot of creatures, but you don't want to die to wrath effects.  You will have a ton of mana, but you want to have action even if things aren't operating at full power (a reason I like Monstrosity so much, you can run it out earlier)

4x Mizzium Mortars (We have a board presence, so it works well, and we'll have the 6 mana)

4x Xenagos

4x Sylvan Caryatid
4x ZurTa Druid/Gyre Sage

4x Ember Swallower
4x Kalonian Hydra

Red Hammer?
Some huge green creatures or planeswalkers?

12x RG dual lands (shock, tap, scry - CIPT is not a huge downside, since we'll primarily have 2 drops over 1 drops)
12-16 basic forest/mountain

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