Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Eternal - Top 100 Cards

The list can be found


The factors I used that caused a card to be ranked highly on the list include:
Power Level - How much it does for what it costs.
Synergy - Enabling strategies.
Popularity - How common the card is to see in the Ranked meta.
Meta-Defining - How much of an impact the card makes on how good other cards are.

This was surprisingly hard to put together, and the results are quite interesting.  Many times I thought
to myself "this card has to be good enough to be in the next 'tier' of cards...", and then I would type the explanation, and realize how I really felt about it, or how much it had been impacted by the printing of other cards, and it would drop out of that "tier'.  Sometimes a card I was considering for top 40 ended up in the Honorable Mentions.

This just goes to show you:
1) How important meta considerations are.
2) How much new printings can change past evaluations.
3) How many crazy good cards there are in this game.

What did I miss?  What cards am I overrating or underrating, and why?  The metrics would indicate that I may have a prejudice towards units, but (spoiler) two of the top three are spells =)

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