Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Deck Results with Mindbreak Trap

I have run off 30 games in the TPC over the last few weeks.  (Dragon Age has engulfed me, as well as normal holiday plans)

40-32 in games
18-12 in matches

Aggro:  22-15g, 9-5m
WW Quest: 0-2, 1-2
WW No quest 2-1
UW Quest: 1-2
BR Vamps: 2-0, 2-1, 2-0
BUG Infect 2-0
GW Life 1-2R: 2-0
G Tokens: 1-2
UW: 2-1
UG Allies: 2-1
B: 2-1
I made some pretty good misplays in the quest matchups.  The rest, I can live with.  Need some practice with quest I suppose?  Or maybe when they have T1 quest every game, there's not much to do.  I need to be alert when they go to combat, because I wait too long to bounce or kill creatures that are going to attack.  This is a problem that creeps up in MGE, and Vampire matchups (Pulse Tracker) as well.

Control: 5-3g, 4-1m
UW 2-1
B 1-0, 1-0
UB 1-0, 0-2
These matchups seem pretty well in hand.  On the loss, the guy did some "friendly helpful advice", that has been grating on me since it happened.  It hurts to lose those games, so they sure stick with you more than the others.

Ramp: 6-8g, 2-4m
RG Valakut: 0-2, 1-2, 2-0, 1-2
GW 1-2, 1-0
All these games felt close.  Ricochet Trap cost me one match, and drawing only islands cost me another.  Every game against Valakut felt very close.  I'd love to rewatch alot of them, but my recordings have been broken.

Other: 0-2g, 0-1m
Game 1 I was looking at a board of Overgrown Battlement, Trusty Machete, and Plated Geopede.  What the heck deck is this?  Inferno Titan is pretty good.  Naturalize for my Volition Reigns on that Titan was pretty good.

RUG: 2-0g, 1-0m
It's hard for me to classify this deck, as ramp or control or combo, since it sits somewhere in between.

Combo: 5-4g, 2-1m
Mirror: 2-1, 1-2
B Discard: 2-1
Can't complain much about the mirror.  I was very happy with my choices that deviated from these players, they just drew more PA than I, or I made mistakes that cost games.


Overall conclusions:
I was pretty happy with the Mindbreak Traps.  I brought them in against Vampires, Ramp, and Control, and they were pretty good in the first two, and acceptable in the Control matchup.

Aggro matchups with must-answer non-creatures (Eldrazi Monument, Dark Tutelage, (White) Quest/Argentum Armor), or hard to deal with creatures (Leatherback Baloth, Vengevine, Bloodghast, Kor Firewalker) are the most troublesome.  I can't leave Mana Leak in, since it is terrible at countering those threats (They just cast them T6, by coincidence).  Mindbreak Trap + Into the Roil might be the best answer.  It worked pretty awesomely vs vamps, no reason it couldn't work for Kor Firewalker, etc.

The Valakut match-ups are still one to watch, but it feels alot better now.  I just need some more experience there, and I'll probably put up better numbers.

Can't draw too many conclusions from these results, but they certainly felt pretty good, especially considering I was 1/4 asleep for half of these.  The wake up at 6pm plan does strange things to you...

Next step: Tourneys/Matches?

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