Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tried some real 1v1 games - Meh results.

Overall, 7-13 in matches, 18-29 in games.

Aggro: 4-6m, 11-14g
R Goblins 1-2, 2-1
RW 2-0, 0-2
U Merfollk 0-2, 2-1 (same guy)
W 2-0 (bad deck)
RB Vamps 0-2, 1-2 (same guy)
G elves 1-2

I had no business losing the goblin match.  RW steamrolled my control draw game one, and had KFW game two.

The vampire guy played well, and had multiple dark tutelages, and a good amount of burn drawn off it to finish me off, as well as Vampire Hexmage maindeck.  If those had been most anything else, I'd have had a good shot.

The U merfolk guy had spell pierces, mindslaver (got it off on me 3 times or so), and grand architect.  Pyroclasm was terrible against him.  His top end was hard to deal with, between mindslaver and Wurmcoil.

Overall, not what I'd be expending vs aggro.  I may have been playing loose, or I may have been keeping terrible (vs aggro) hands game 1-3.

Control: 2-2m, 5-5g.
UB 2-0, 2-1, 0-2 (this last guy was dramatically better than the other competition)
UW 1-2

The UB guy was managing jace very well, which was making it very difficult to kill.  He always had a good amount of counters, and used his discard very well (unlike some others I've seen)
The UW guy did the beatdown plan game 3, backed up by leyline and purge (which made charging my ascension hard)

These feel winnable.  I can definately beat average players here.

Ramp: 0-5, 0-10.
MGE: 0-2
RG: 0-2, 0-2, 0-2(2 of the same guy), 0-2

I didn't take a single game off a ramp player.  The KHE's made mana leak irrelevant, or they'd kill me with creatures, or they'd have enough summoning traps to do whatever.  The 2 losses guy was playing Kozilek main, which is not good times.  He also drew a nature's claim for every PA I landed.  Depressing.

Obviously, I need some practice here.  Anyone up for it?

Other: 1-0m, 2-0g
BUG 2-0 not sure where to classify this.

I don't feel terrible about this, but I definately don't feel good.

It felt like game 1, I never had the right hand for what they were playing.  If I had 3 burn, they were control/ramp.  If I had 4 land, they were aggro.  If I had 2 land, they were control.

I'm pretty sure i need to work on my mulliganing across all games.  I kept some slow hands against aggro, and some bad hands against control, and the 5 land + treasure hunt + something hand is good against almost nothing.

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